all postcodes in GU17 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU17 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU17 0AA 18 2 51.330854 -0.780446
GU17 0AB 16 7 51.330518 -0.780128
GU17 0AD 3 0 51.330037 -0.783112
GU17 0AE 2 2 51.330089 -0.78549
GU17 0AF 5 0 51.337447 -0.804162
GU17 0AG 1 0 51.329603 -0.785535
GU17 0AH 1 0 51.330551 -0.78505
GU17 0AJ 23 0 51.329916 -0.79055
GU17 0AL 32 0 51.32988 -0.791412
GU17 0AN 17 0 51.329161 -0.793182
GU17 0AP 28 0 51.329641 -0.795323
GU17 0AR 6 0 51.329359 -0.795876
GU17 0AS 1 0 51.328438 -0.799832
GU17 0AT 36 0 51.330658 -0.795382
GU17 0AU 50 0 51.330194 -0.793988
GU17 0AW 5 0 51.328313 -0.805204
GU17 0AX 9 0 51.330796 -0.792235
GU17 0AY 7 0 51.331544 -0.794067
GU17 0AZ 3 0 51.331716 -0.795082
GU17 0BA 2 0 51.331776 -0.795637